GDPR: How to establish a strong defensible position

Actionable steps organizations should take as part of their GDPR planning

With the looming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline fast approaching, many organizations, even those outside of the European Union, are struggling to figure out exactly what the regulation requires and where to begin. With the new law leaving many details up for interpretation—including the way each organization contextualizes the implementation, monitoring and measurement of controls for their own environment—mistakes will inevitably be made.

For forward-thinking companies, the key to overcoming the initial hurdles related to GDPR is to build a defensible position—one that will allow the organization to quickly, easily, and definitively prove to regulators that reasonable efforts to comply have been made. While this strategy may not completely remove the risk of all fines and have every aspect of the regulation covered, it will help organizations build credibility with regulators, even if their efforts fall short of what is expected.

In this whitepaper, produced in cooperation with Information Management, we discuss how you can:
  • Leverage technology solutions that will allow you to automate herculean tasks
  • Establish a solid strategy, strong controls, and effective procedures
  • Create a continuous-improvement loop to regularly update your company's compliance efforts and help develop industry gold standards
  • Secure executive endorsements and engage cross-functional teams, including IT, legal, operations, and business lines
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Actionable steps organizations should take as part of their GDPR planning

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